Meet Denise
“I believe in living a life you love…
Pursuing your biggest dreams...
Prioritizing what matters most to you…”
How did I get here?
When I became so overwhelmed with — and frankly exhausted by — the constant state of my own life, I knew it was time to make changes. Year after year after year, I was seeing my life, home and business continuing to be filled with too much physical and mental clutter.
Too many unfinished projects… Too many tasks on my calendar that meant more to others than to me… Being pulled in too many directions… Surrounded by things that were “piling up” without any meaningful purpose in my life.
And the subsequent burden all of it was taking on my pocketbook, my state of mind and my schedule to manage all of it? I knew I was approaching a breaking point.
I could feel myself losing my enthusiasm for my work… Losing my love of my home… And losing hope that my life would ever feel peaceful.
In the words of Patsy Cline and Loretta Lynn…
"‘Little girl, you got to run your own life.’ But my life was running me.” — from The Coal-Miner’s Daughter
So, I asked myself… What do I want?
My answer was pretty simple… I wanted to simplify my life.
And… I wanted to do so in a way that would:
Retain my own personal style…. My love of color, fun and creativity.
And most of all… Fill my life with what matters most to me.
Did it happen overnight?
No… But I also knew that I had not created the state of my life overnight either.
Step by step… One decision at a time… I moved forward… And I embraced the progress achieved with every single action because I could feel a shift happening…
My life started to have room for self-care as I learned to let go of tasks that were not meaningful to me.
My home became more spacious and easier to maintain as I pared down to what I was actually using every week.
My business began to inspire me again as I streamlined my day and now had time to focus on creating new projects that served both my audience and me as a business owner.
Although “untangling all the strings” that was cluttering up my life, home and business took — and continues to take — a lot of self-effort, the rewards of waking up each day excited to start my day are more than worth it.
And I am so grateful to experience my life, home and business actually nurturing me — rather than draining me.
Today… I am passionate about living a simple life.
In the transformation I have experienced for myself… And in seeing women who are now discovering and living the life they have always wanted to live.
No longer do I scroll thru Pinterest looking for the life I would love… I simply look at my own life, home and business…
And know that I am living it…
VIDEO | Welcome to Simple Living
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1. World Champ Scone Maker
I absolutely adore scones. And I think I make the best scones in the world… But if you think you can make a better one… I would love to hear about it! I would happily give up my “championship title” to discover an even better scone… Game on, folks!
2. Reads 100+ Books A Year
I love to read!… And I always have two books going all the time… One audiobook & one print book… You can check out my current year’s Reading List for what I am reading now & my best book recommendations!
3. One Bag Only
I can travel anywhere for any length of time using one small suitcase only… My sister-in-law calls me “The Master Packer”!