5 Easy Steps To Becoming A Minimalist... Beginning A Simple Life
Beginner Minimalist Lifestyle | Best Tips for Minimalist Living In 5 Easy Steps…
Easily shift your life one step at a time towards a life filled with more of what matters most to you... In this blog post, I'll guide you through five easy steps to becoming a minimalist and starting your journey toward a simpler life…
Steps To Becoming A Minimalist
Are you overwhelmed by the clutter in your life? Do you often feel stressed and wish for a simpler, more meaningful existence? If so, minimalist living might just be the lifestyle change you need. By focusing on what matters most to you and eliminating the excess, you can create a more peaceful and fulfilling life.
I am targeting five areas that can easily "move the needle" in beginning to simplify your life...
Table of Contents
What To Expect...
With each of the following five steps... We will target one focus and begin with some basic principles to understand the overall approach... Then, we will apply those principles in creating an easy action plan to get started either on your own... Or even as a family too!
Are you ready to begin living a simple life?...
“Living a simple life looks different for everyone... So find what works best for you and make small changes at your own pace...”
• Step 1: Less Time
• Step 2: Less Stuff
• Step 3: Less Stress
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STEP 1 | Do Your Daily Tasks In LESS TIME
Time is the one thing in life that there will never be more of than what you have. But that does not have to be stressful.
Think of it this way... Time is completely dependable. You can absolutely count on time to show up and deliver exactly what it promised you it would do!
When you think about it… There is something really comforting about that. Right?
One hour is always going to be sixty minutes… You can count on it!
But the choices you make about how you use your time can transform time into an experience where “one hour” approached with intention, efficiency and focus can feel much more expansive than an hour that is approached with stress, chaos, with unnecessary steps added in or an overall lack of purpose.
First... Let's cover the basics...
• Simplify Your Routine
One of the first steps to adopting a minimalist lifestyle is to streamline your daily routine. Start by evaluating your current schedule and identifying tasks that consume unnecessary time.
For example... If you spend too much time deciding what to wear each morning, consider creating a capsule wardrobe with a few versatile pieces. This not only saves time but also reduces decision fatigue.
• Prioritize Your Tasks
Another effective way to save time is by prioritizing your tasks. Focus on what's truly important and tackle those tasks first.
Use tools like to-do lists and planners to keep track of your priorities and ensure you're dedicating your time to activities that matter most. This not only boosts productivity but also frees up time for leisure and relaxation.
• Set Time Limits
Setting time limits for your tasks can also help you become more efficient.
Allocate specific amounts of time for each activity, and stick to those limits. This encourages you to stay focused and avoid distractions, ultimately helping you complete tasks faster and with less stress.
Now that we understand the basics... Let's create your Action Plan...
Spending Too Much Time
An important first step — and one of the key simple steps of developing a minimalist mindset and mastering tasks with less time — is to learn which tasks you are spending too much time on.
What is one of our biggest culprits? Daily tasks.
Those routine tasks we do every day often fall into the bucket of tasks that we are spending too much time on. But they also hold the greatest opportunity to streamline your day… And therefore, result in the greatest outcome and impact in moving you towards a simpler life and home.
Why? Because when you learn to simplify your daily tasks, you are simplifying your life... Every. Single. Day.
➾ TAKE ACTION: Make a list of your daily tasks…
I know... This can sound like a huge full-time job on its’ own, right? So to keep the list manageable and not overwhelming, focus on just the daily tasks you are doing each morning to “get your day started.”
These are great tasks to target and the easiest way to build motivation. Because starting your day in a simpler way is a big step towards setting the tone for your entire day.
Daily tasks you could target to complete in less time include…
Making up your bed each morning
Preparing your morning coffee and breakfast
Selecting your “look” for the day
Setting up your daily calendar for each day’s schedule and focus
Getting ready to “walk out the door” each day
Within each one of these tasks, it is easy to find and eliminate at least one step in your process to shift that task towards a simpler routine.
• How do you find the steps to eliminate?
Understand why and how you are doing each task step by step…You always want to be asking yourself...
Why am I doing this task?
Because the “why” reveals the value this task has in your life and home.
How am I doing this task?
What are the actual practical steps you take to complete the task?
Are there any steps you are doing that are unnecessary? That don’t add any value in your life?
How do I feel when I complete this task?
Do you feel happy with the results? Does this feeling match the value this task has in your life? Check in with yourself to ensure you actually look forward to doing this task again tomorrow. Know why you are doing it... And the value it brings to your life and home.
T.I.M.E. BEST SIMPLE LIVING TIPS for Daily Tasks In Less Time
Great Way To Get Started:
Select one task you are doing each day. How could you simplify that one daily task so you could complete it in less time?
Let’s see what this might look like to put this into practice with the daily task of “making up your bed each morning”…
Easy Ways To Simplify Your Life in Less Time:
Change your decorative bedspread (that you might not even be using when you are sleeping) to a cozy comforter.
A comforter serves both as a warm blanket layer and makes for a simpler process to make up your bed each morning… It’s simply pull up and go!
Let go of those extra decorative throw pillows.
On and off the bed over and over every single day? No, thank you!! Or at least minimize the number... Pick one, two or three as your absolute favorite pillows to keep... but not ten! And make sure the amount of time it takes for this step matches the value it brings in your life.
Best Way To Involve Family Members:
If you have children, turn the challenge of making up your bed each morning into a game!
What To Do Next:
Once you have this daily task streamlined and completed in less time… Rinse and repeat! Pick another daily task and start simplifying it…
Hello, Habits: A Minimalist’s Guide To A Better Life by Fumio Sasaki
• In Hello, Habits, Sasaki explains how we can acquire the new habits that we want—and get rid of the ones that don’t do us any good.
STEP 2 | Say Enough with LESS STUFF
• Declutter Your Space
Minimalist living is all about living with less. Beginning your minimalist journey can start by decluttering your living space.
Go through each room and identify items you no longer need or use. Donate, sell, or recycle these items to create a more organized and spacious environment.
If this seems overwhelming, stay focused on the "easy decisions only." Items that you are instantly ready to toss or let go of. And save the more "advanced decisions", like sentimental items you no longer want and don't know what to do with, for another time.
• Practice Mindful Consumption
To maintain a minimalist lifestyle, it's essential to practice mindful consumption. It is so much easier to simplify your material items by simply purchasing less to begin with.
Before making a purchase, ask yourself if the item is truly necessary or if it will add value to your life... Or simply check in with yourself before you head to the checkout counter with... "Do I absolutely love this?"
Avoid impulse buys and focus on acquiring high-quality, versatile items that serve a purpose.
• Adopt A "One-In, One-Out" Rule
A helpful strategy for maintaining a clutter-free space is the "one-in, one-out" rule. For every new item you bring into your home, commit to getting rid of an existing item.
It is beautifully simple... And keeps your head in the "not as much stuff game" for managing your current inventory of physical things.
Got the basics?... Great!... Let's create your Action Plan...
Too Much Stuff | Material Possessions
There are many reasons for why we have too much stuff... And keep adding even more stuff into our lives. Whether it’s material possessions or daily tasks, this stuff means something to us… Or at least meant something to us when we acquired them or added them into our schedule.
And sometimes… We even forget what that reason is or was in the first place. We get so used to having it in our life or doing it in our schedule that we don’t even question: Does this still have value in my life in its’ present state?
Hardest Part | Sentimental Items
Notice my question above was… Does this still have value in my life in its’ present state?
That phrase — in its’ present state — is so important.
Because it can be the key to unlocking a pathway to letting go of an item or a task that no longer has value in your life... but is still something you are resistant to let go of.
Never is this more true — nor more heart-wrenching — than dealing with the hardest part of decluttering which is letting go of sentimental belongings.
T.I.M.E. BEST SIMPLE LIVING TIPS for Less Stuff with Sentimental Items
Great Way To Get Started:
Try thinking of an alternative way you could use the item
Easy Ways To Simplify Your Life With Sentimental Items:
Transforming the item from a physical item to a digital item (photos, movies, etc)
Creating an art piece using the item
Repurposing the item
Check out this beautiful idea from my friend, Elizabeth of Country Peony, featuring vintage quilts that needed a bit of TLC and were repurposed as cozy vintage quilt jackets… Wouldn’t this idea make a fabulous “legacy gift” for a daughter or special niece for the holidays, beginning college, graduation, a bridal shower gift, etc?
Best Way To Involve Family Members:
Gifting the item to another family member or friend who would love to be the “new caretaker.”
What To Do Next:
Nurture yourself after completing this one... Decluttering sentimental items can bring up a lot of feelings.
Treat yourself with a warm favorite cookie and your fave coffee or tea… And even better, use a secret family cookie recipe that you could bake and enjoy. As you eat your grandmother’s one-of-a-kind cookies you used to make together, it will remind you that memories are also forever in your heart and senses... Not just in your closets.
• Detailed guidance for determining which items in your house “spark joy” (and which don’t), this international bestseller will help you clear your clutter and enjoy the unique magic of a tidy home—and the calm, motivated mindset it can inspire.
Favorite book choice to start reading or to begin creating a resource shelf of Best Books On Minimalism.
Building from the basics...
• Simplify Your Commitments
A minimalist lifestyle isn't just about physical possessions — It's also about reducing mental clutter.
Start by reviewing your current commitments and obligations. Are there activities or engagements that no longer serve you or bring you joy? Consider letting go of these commitments to free up time and mental energy for things that truly matter.
• Practice Mindfulness
Incorporating mindfulness (or intentional quiet reflection) into your daily routine can help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.
Spend a few minutes each day practicing meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply being present in the moment. This can help you feel more grounded and focused, making it easier to manage stress and anxiety.
• Create a Relaxing Environment
Your physical environment can have a significant impact on your stress levels.
Create a calming space by incorporating elements that promote relaxation, such as soothing colors, soft lighting, and natural materials. A peaceful environment can help you unwind and recharge after a long day.
And now you are ready to create your Action Plan!...
There are some aspects of your life (even a minimalist life) that you do not have choices about. But, choosing a different way for a better life in how you respond to those choices is always within your wheelhouse!
Different People | Different Choices
Stress can certainly originate from “within.” The choices you are making. But stress can also originate from the choices people are making around you.
And yes… There are many circumstances that define who the people are in your life. Some circumstances will not change. But you can still choose how you interact and react with each person. Kind words never take more space!
For now… Focus on identifying those people in your life that add value to your life. That you look forward to being with each time you see them... and spend more time with them.
And if your list is short in this area… Then, get out there and find your tribe!
Great Way To Get Started:
Make a list of your favorite interests and where you would find like-minded people that are also interested in those things.
Easy Ways To Simplify Your Life To Find Your Tribe:
If you love…
Books… Join or start a book club.
Gardening… Join or start a community garden.
Movies… Join or start a monthly movie night in your neighborhood.
Writing… Join or start a local “writer’s salon” to share works in progress.
Best Way To Involve Family Members:
Whatever events you decide upon to build your tribe, put it on your family’s calendar as a priority activity for you.
Let your family know that they need a “backup plan” if they need support during that time... Because that time is your time. Non-negotiable!
What To Do Next:
Check out your local community newsletters, local library, local online groups, etc for potential activities that light up your heart… And, if you don’t find any, start one yourself!
The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own by Joshua Becker
• The More of Less delivers an empowering plan for living more by owning less. With a practical approach, suggestions and encouragement to personalize your own minimalist style, Joshua Becker shows you why minimizing possessions is the best way to maximize life.
STEP 4 | Let Go and Live With LESS CLUTTER
OK... Let's cover the basics first...
• Evaluate Your Possessions
To live clutter-free, it's essential to evaluate your possessions regularly on an ongoing basis. Periodically review your belongings and assess their value and usefulness.
Be honest with yourself about whether you truly need or use each item, and be willing to part with things that no longer serve you.
• Implement Storage Solutions
Organizing belongings with effective storage solutions can help keep clutter at bay.
Invest in functional storage options, such as shelves, bins, and containers, to keep your items neatly organized and easily accessible. This not only creates a tidy living space but also makes it easier to find what you need when you need it.
• Digital Declutter
In addition to physical clutter, digital clutter can also contribute to a sense of overwhelm.
Take the time to declutter your digital life by organizing files, deleting unnecessary emails, and unsubscribing from unwanted newsletters. A streamlined digital space can help you feel more focused and productive.
Buckle up... It's time to create your Action Plan!...
Dealing with clutter can feel like getting caught in a spider web! It is rarely as simple as taking everything from a closet and throwing it in the trash, right?!
Decluttering is the number one area of focus that a lot of people think of and start with in becoming a minimalist.
But — and this is a big but...
Because decluttering can be a “minefield” that triggers so many other issues, it can also be the first step you take — and the last step you take — before falling down the rabbit hole, throwing up your hands in overwhelm and saying… “I can’t do this!”
I get it… I’ve been there… And I’ve done it too!
And what I learned to turn this mindset around came from watching a lovely movie, Under The Tuscan Sun (based on Frances Mayes’ book).
When the main character was completely stressed out at finding herself at the beginning of an unexpected major life change... coupled with an overwhelming extensive home renovation... in a foreign country... where she did not speak the language...
Instead of focusing on the entire house and all the challenges around her, she started by saying…
“Have a plan... Pick one room and make it yours…
Go slowly thru the house...
Be polite... Introduce yourself... So it can introduce itself to you...”
Wonderful advice for making any new lifestyle change. It is the inspiration behind why I prefer to think of this journey as a subtle shift towards simple living and minimalism... One step at a time.
Home Clutter-Free Zones
So, let’s begin with creating a home clutter-free zone. And remember... pick one area and make it yours.
Here are some suggestions to help you get started...
Living Room
What is the area that seems to be a magnet for clutter in your living room? My guess is your coffee table, sofa table, ottoman, etc. Whatever you have as the multi-functional piece of furniture that serves as a place to hold magazines, books, remote controls, beverages, personal items and more.
First thing in your strategy? Identify the target area and do one initial overall clean-up and organizing.
Then, moving forward... Treat this area like a “campsite.” Meaning everyone must leave the “campsite” like they found it. Plus, as each person uses the area... Anything “brought in” must be “brought out.”
Kitchen Table
Do you find yourself wondering why you even have a kitchen table that you never use for eating? Meaning has your kitchen table become the “drop off zone” for mail, keys, packages, bags, etc?
If this is true for you... Consider the possibility of letting go of the kitchen table entirely and clearing the area completely! Either get an efficient storage solution unit to replace the table… Or if you want to reclaim the kitchen table for eating, repurpose the “storage area” to another area of your home.
The focus here is making room in your kitchen for whatever matters most to you… Discovering what matters most to you is not just a good thing... It is a great thing!
Whether it is reclaiming your kitchen table for dining... Or creating an open space for a home office, baking station, coffee bar or even an organized drop-off zone... Get clear on whatever matters most to you... And own it!
Great Way To Get Started:
Identify the area you want to tame as a no-clutter zone.
Easy Ways To Simplify Your Life Clutter-Free:
Organize multi-functional areas with storage baskets, trays, boxes, etc.
Organize as you go... Clutter accumulates each time you “put off” putting things back in place
If the area is not functioning as intended, transform the area into another purpose that makes sense for you
Best Way To Involve Family Members:
Assign the “no clutter zone” to a family member to manage and make decisions for...
Step back and let someone else be the boss of the zone! This is a great way to gradually start to teach and give authority to your children.
What To Do Next:
Target another area... And tame the clutter!
• With The Home Edit Life, you’ll soon be corralling phone cords, archiving old photos, arranging your phone apps by color, and packing your suitcase like a pro.
STEP 5 | Focus On Your IMPORTANT THINGS... What Matters Most To You
Get ready for the basics that will significantly change your life from complicated to simple...
• Identify Your Core Values
A key aspect of minimalist living is focusing on what truly matters to you.
Take some real dedicated time to reflect on your core values and what brings you joy and fulfillment. These values will serve as a guide for making decisions and prioritizing your time and energy.
• Set Meaningful Goals
Once you've identified your core values, set meaningful goals that align with them. These goals can be both short-term and long-term, and they should reflect what you want to achieve in various aspects of your life.
By focusing on goals that matter to you, you'll be more motivated and fulfilled in your pursuits.
• Cultivate Relationships
Relationships are an essential part of a fulfilling life. Make an effort to nurture and strengthen your connections with family and friends.
Prioritize spending quality time with loved ones and engage in activities that nurture strengthening even deeper bonds. Strong relationships can provide support, joy, and a sense of belonging... And is a sure-fire way to diminish the overall desire to purchase more things too.
Now let's take these basics... And create your Action Plan...
Less Things
The key to shifting to a life with fewer things? Stop the flow! A good starting point is to begin with making buying choices that represent items you don’t already have and items that create value in your life and home.
With each new item... Think “why” before you buy.
Here are a few examples...
Capsule Wardrobe: Does the new item coordinate with items you already own? Or will it lead to additional purchases to make the new item work?
Grocery Store: Shop like Santa! Make your list and check it twice... Before you leave home, have a plan for what household items you will buy. Allow room in your budget for in-store sales that will benefit your pantry.
And don’t be surprised if you don’t get a thank you note from your bank account! Each time you think “why” before you buy, you could be taking a tangible step to become debt free and save money as well.
Number Of Things
Keep multiple number of items to a minimum... And if you need a new “multiple item,” then make an agreement with yourself to say goodbye to an item as the new item comes in the door! One in?... One out!
Different Things
Look at new things from a different perspective... As an example, this is the whole concept behind the popular Tiny Houses movement.
Big houses can be gorgeous… No doubt about it. As long as your house serves you… And that big house doesn’t turn into YOUR “master” where you are serving your house.
So, check in with yourself… Is the “size” of your entire home the best thing for you? Or filled with the “right things” for someone else?
Be brave... And don’t be afraid to march to the beat of the drum that plays your song!
Material Things
When considering a purchase, think of an alternative option that offers an experience to live life. There’s no right or wrong answer here... And certainly no judgement!
Just make sure you are choosing what matters most to you.
FAQs for Steps To Becoming A Minimalist
The traditional first step to becoming a minimalist is to declutter and simplify your physical space.
This may involve getting rid of items that you no longer need or use, organizing and finding storage solutions for necessary items, and setting boundaries for what you bring into your home.
Additionally, it is important to also reflect on your core values and prioritize what truly matters to you. This will serve as a guide for making decisions and setting goals in line with minimalism principles.
Overall though, the most significant first step is about creating a clear space both physically and mentally.
To start being a minimalist, you could begin with contemplating (or even taking action on) these steps...
Declutter and simplify your physical space by getting rid of items you no longer need or use.
Set boundaries for what you bring into your home and prioritize buying things that align with your values and add value to your life.
Reflect on your core values and identify what truly matters to you.
Set meaningful goals in line with your values.
Cultivate strong relationships with loved ones.
Focus on experiences rather than material possessions when making purchasing decisions.
It's important to remember that minimalism looks different for everyone, so find what works best for you and make small changes at your own pace.
Training yourself to be a minimalist involves changing your mindset and daily habits.
Here are some tips to help you train yourself to be a minimalist...
Start small by decluttering one area or room at a time.
Get rid of items that serve no purpose or bring no joy to your life.
Practice saying "no" to unnecessary purchases or gifts that do not align with your values.
Prioritize quality over quantity when making purchasing decisions.
Reflect on why you are choosing minimalism and remind yourself of these reasons regularly.
Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who can offer support and advice.
Continuously evaluate your belongings and make adjustments as needed.
Remember that becoming a minimalist is not about perfection, but rather making intentional choices and simplifying your life.
So be patient with yourself... And remember to celebrate the small victories along the way!
To become a minimalist at home, focus first on decluttering and organizing your physical space.
Start by going through your belongings and getting rid of items you no longer need or use.
Then, find storage solutions for necessary items to keep them organized.
Set boundaries for what you bring into your home and prioritize making purchases that align with your values and add value to your life.
Additionally, consider incorporating minimalism principles in other areas of your home such as cleaning routines, meal planning, and decor choices.
Remember that simple living is an ongoing journey, so don't be afraid to make adjustments and continue simplifying as needed.
The time it takes to become a minimalist varies for each individual. It depends on the level of clutter and attachment to material possessions, as well as how quickly one can make changes and adjustments in their lifestyle.
Some people may find that they experience immediate benefits and are able to fully embrace minimalism within a short period of time. Others may take longer to incorporate minimalism principles into their daily lives.
It's important to also acknowledge that minimalism is not a "one-size-fits-all" approach... So find what works best for you and adapt it to your own lifestyle.
Remember... Simple living is a journey, not a destination, so be patient with yourself and focus on progress rather than perfection.
As long as you continue making intentional choices and simplifying your life, you are on the right path towards becoming a minimalist.
➾ Do you have any more questions?… Let me know in the Comments below!
➾ Looking for more support for Living A Simple Life?
Final Thoughts | Making Your Own Way
Adopting a minimalist lifestyle can lead to a more peaceful, fulfilling, and stress-free life... No doubt about it!
By following these five easy steps — simplifying your routines, decluttering your space, reducing stress, letting go of clutter, and focusing on what truly matters — you can begin your personalized journey toward minimalism and start enjoying the many benefits simple living can offer you.
Remember... Minimalism is a personal journey, and there's no right or wrong way to approach it.
Start small, be patient with yourself, and enjoy the process of creating a simpler, more meaningful life.
Every small step you take brings you closer to a life of simplicity and contentment... And closer to connecting the life you would love to the life you are living...
If you're ready to take the next step in your minimalist journey, consider booking a call with me. I would love to provide personalized guidance and support to help you achieve your specific goals to live a simpler, more intentional life... ✨😎✨
“Every small step you take brings you closer to a life of simplicity and contentment...”
3 Simple Living Tips for Becoming A Minimalist…
Declutter and simplify your physical space...
This can create a clear mental space as well, allowing you to make more intentional decisions and prioritize what truly matters.
Find what works best for you...
Minimalism looks different for everyone, so it's important to find what works best for you and make changes at your own pace. Don't strive for perfection, but instead focus on progress and making small adjustments that align with your values.
Dig in for an ongoing journey...
Simple living is an ongoing journey and there is no set timeline for how long it takes. It all depends on the individual's attachment to material possessions and their ability to make intentional choices in their lifestyle. Be patient with yourself and focus on progress rather than perfection.
As someone who has always struggled with letting go of material possessions myself...
These tips remind me to start small and take my journey towards minimalism at my own pace. It's also a good reminder to focus on intentional choices in my life.
I am always excited to continue incorporating simple living principles into my daily routine and seeing the positive impact it has on my overall well-being, as my experience (as I embraced minimalism) has shown me how transformative the results are.
I believe that by following these easy steps, you can also find more joy and fulfillment in living with less and arriving at that perfect "sweet spot" that works best for you. So, embrace minimalism on your terms and create a life that is truly aligned with your values and priorities.
As I have mentioned earlier... Here at This Is My Everybody — every step, every suggestion, every idea — it all comes back to what matters most to you. Not me. Or anyone else.
The best possible start? Take a good look at your daily life now. The second step? Imagine what the life you would love looks like.
Focus on making your own way to that point — to that life you would love — where simple living feels right for you in your personal minimalist journey.
Whether it is one room, one calendar schedule or even one daily task...
You can make your own way towards a simpler, more meaningful existence. It all starts with one small step... And I’ll be here cheering you on!... ✨😎✨
➾ Learn more about working with me… And how you can book a 1:1 Simple Living Coaching Session with Denise...
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I hope you have enjoyed learning more about Simple Living… If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments below. I love hearing from you!... ✨😎✨
Download Best Minimalism Books Reading List for your Simple Living Planner
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Best Minimalism Books Reading List
Reference List | Reading Journal
Whether you are starting your transition to a minimalist lifestyle — or need support with specific topics like Decluttering, Home & Office Ideas, Seasonal Decor, Technology & more — the perfect book will always be at your fingertips.
Also serves as a reading journal to document your favorite takeaways as you read each book.
13 pages
Hi! I’m Denise …
Welcome to This Is My Everybody (aka T.I.M.E. for short)!
Teaching you how to simplify your life, home and business by helping you make decisions step-by-step without becoming overwhelmed with where to start… Or what to do next…
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